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    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    Cartoon FINISHED!

    Dear Smirk Studios Fans,

    The cartoon is DONE! I'm taking a day to record the music, and then I'ma slap it all together for you all to see on Newgrounds! And that's just the beginning, so sit still and give a damn why don'tcha?

    Here is a never before seen screen from every scene. Count it!

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    Animation Priority

    Dear Smirk Studios Fans,

    SUP!? Well guess what, it's official. The main character (also the hardest character to draw) is fully animated! I don't have any animation clips for you right now, but soon enough you'll have the whole juicy package on your lap. Fear not!

    Make sure you're keeping up with my FB, Twitter, MS, and Newgrounds while my site is not actively updating so you can get the info you need to know fast!

    Here are three new screen shots! Enjoy, and be sure to comment!

    Friday, January 8, 2010

    Really Good Screen Caps

    Dear Smirk Studios Fans,

    Almost done animating this particular character, which happens to be a very difficult character to animate since I've never done any of this kind of animation before.

    Plenty of screen caps, REALLY GOOD ONES! Enjoy!