I have now established deadlines for ALL of my projects, all with selective priority. Teen Pijinz is second priority, while Charmingly Linda's is first. I have set a personal timeframe in which I can feel like I'm working instead of playing all day. The cartoon is to be FINISHED and UPLOADED by March 7th, and that is fair to me. I've been waiting all this time for motivation to spark, and it wasn't until my roommate said she was going to take the internet away that I decided upon something I know will work.
This is a very exciting time for me now, because it really feels like I'm a freelance cartoonist/animator. Of course there are lots of better artists out there, but this will really get me going.
Teen Pijinz is scheduled for release on March 22nd. I will be working on it alongside the Charmingly Linda's commercial. Think of it like baking: 2 parts Charmingly Linda's, 1 part Teen Pijinz EP 1. Neato, huh?
OK, here's a screen shot for you that I just now finished. It is another pic of the generic shopper character as she is gaining interest in the narrator's (me) words.

I will be getting right back to it after this post, so tune in tomorrow for something AWESOME!!! Seeya later, everyone! Don't be afraid to COMMENT!!!
I wish more people would comment... or even SAW my blog... :(