Lot's of stuff going on with the show... too much to really even want to explain, so here's the short version:
The guy who I was having doing the backgrounds is now telling me that he needs til January to get the backgrounds to me... Well that's too long for me, so I booted him from the project for now. He's been presenting too many excuses, and I can't let one person drag me down like that. This project needs to be me and my team's top priority, and too many things are going on in his life right now. Sorry, friend!
Moving on, I have had many troubles getting my Wacom tablet to work with my new laptop, but have finally found the solution.
Furthermore, I've been out of practice for animating, so I've decided to do a couple practice drawings to get back into it. Just very quick drawings with no real time spent on any one in particular. After I'm satisfied with that, I have to get 360* views of all my characters to my new much more enthusiastic animator, which I will also be posting. Once we're there, we might as well call it done! We are dividing the work between us to make it easier to focus on making everything hold together my new par of quality.
Enough jibber jabber! Here's a pic I drew in 10 minutes! Expect more soon!

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